

Artificial Bread Flowers

Artificial Bread Flowers

July 1983

Artificial Bread Flowers.

In the natural world there are many beautiful flowers but these can and do fade. People who love flowers for their beauty cannot bear to see them fade. So manmade flowers have become popular. These forever in-bloom flowers are made of wood, satin ribbon, feathers, and most recently bread. When one thinks of bread flowers, something thick and fluffy comes to mind. But in reality they give the same sophisticated impression as porcelain flowers since they are cleverly molded from baked dough.

In 1971, when Tsai Yen-fang went to Japan to study handicrafts, one of the first things she learned to make bread flowers. But she soon discovered that to further her learning in the art, she would have to go to Mexico.

There, she discovered that the dough for the flowers needed to have gum added to improve its consistency. When she was fully versed in the art, she returned to Taiwan to teach handicrafts such as embroidery, tailoring and leathercraft. In particular, she was able to make low-cost handicrafts with bread as raw materials. After kneading dough together with gum, the students learn how to make the water droplet shape which forms the basis of all the bread flowers.

At first, students make simple objects such as grapes and strawberries. Male students particularly enjoy this, since later they can eat the "models." After they are experts at making the fruit, they are ready to tackle the flowers. The first type is made by cutting the basic water droplet shape into petals. To make the leaves, the dough is flattened and real leaves are pressed against it.

After the flowers are completed, they are colored with pigment that has either an oil or water base. "If the pieces are made properly, they last 10 years or more," says Miss Tsai. Many people find it hard to believe that something edible which molds so quickly as bread does, can keep so long. Before starting to make the dough, however, the bread is dried in a refrigerator for a week, which helps to preserve it.

One of Miss Tsai's students, Hsueh Yuang-ying, finds that making bread flowers brings her family closer together. At first she would knead the dough as the family watched television, but now, it has become a family project.

Another student, Wong Yong-sung, who is paralyzed from the waist down and is confined to a wheelchair, says that bread flowers provide a way of expressing himself. Chen Hsiang-hua, a flower arrangement teacher, thinks that since everybody has individual talents, and different ideas on handicrafts, making bread flowers provides a way to show individuality.

Miss Tsai's students range from fourth graders to retired people more than 70 years of age. Apart from the satisfaction of creating something of beauty, the art brings other benefits, including making friends, developing self-confidence and self-expression.

[Picture Caption]

1. The teacher shows students the first step of mixing broken bread in a blender. 2. Miss Tsai's students are mostly career women. 3. A carnation shaped from bread. 4. The making of a bread flower. 5. Showing students how to carve the seeds on a strawberry. 6-9. Bread flowers are attractive and lifelike. 10-12. The dough can be used to make brooches and pins, some simple and others sophisticated.

1. Painting a doll made from bread dough. 2-4. Fruit selection. 2, 4. Grapes and strawberries made from bread. 3. Assorted fruit bowl.


1. The teacher shows students the first step of mixing broken bread in a blender.

2. Miss Tsai's students are mostly career women.

3. A carnation shaped from bread.

4. The making of a bread flower.

5. Showing students how to carve the seeds on a strawberry.

6-9. Bread flowers are attractive and lifelike.

6-9. Bread flowers are attractive and lifelike.

6-9. Bread flowers are attractive and lifelike.

6-9. Bread flowers are attractive and lifelike.

10-12. The dough can be used to make brooches and pins, some simple and others sophisticated.

10-12. The dough can be used to make brooches and pins, some simple and others sophisticated.

10-12. The dough can be used to make brooches and pins, some simple and others sophisticated.

1. Painting a doll made from bread dough.

2-4. Fruit selection. 2, 4. Grapes and strawberries made from bread.

3. Assorted fruit bowl.

2-4. Fruit selection. 2, 4. Grapes and strawberries made from bread.